Don't Trust Me

Don't You understand
I can't keep going on
you thinks it's nothing so you say move on
But Cant You see
I trusted you with everything
And now you tell me
you don't trust me

How Do you expect me to
Uder stand Comprehend
Anything you say to me anymore
You want me to believe
But How am I supposed to
If you don't trust me

I gave you everything
And You took it all for granted
Now I know Why
I supported you when no one else was there
When No one else belived
I always Did
When everyone else walked away
I was still there standing by your side

How Do you expect me to
Uder stand Comprehend
Anything you say to me anymore
You want me to believe
But How am I supposed to
If you don't trust me

Please Don't Try
To go back to normal
Pretend like it never happened
Because it did and
It Really hurt me

How Do you expect me to
Uder stand Comprehend
Anything you say to me anymore
You want me to believe
But How am I supposed to
If you don't trust me