Airplanes Confused With Stars, Confused With Airplanes.

This is the conversation we all dread.
The words, they twist and they bend, creating a permanent presence in our heads.
I sat on that shelf for years like a one hit wonder, I waited for you to play me one more time.
It's hard to hold your head up high, when all I see is your face painted across the pale blue sky.
These photographs, those videotapes.
What a beautiful bonfire they made.
Ash of a thousand memories flickered away, an orange glow that danced into the December sky.
I told myself I'd be just fine without you, but you know I could never tell that good of a lie.
I still remember those nights.
When we'd get so lost and watch airplanes confused with stars, confused with airplanes fly by.
They carried away our spark. They carried away our tomorrow.
You left me with nothing but the powerlines.
Being the only ones there to catch me from that fall.