
I guess you're right, I didn't want to know
But you can't take it back and I can't let go
It's part of me now, something I can't change
I'll always remember, though I'll move and arrange

My memories elsewhere, locked deep inside
Where no one can find them, it's been tested and tried
I know I'm being vague, but I don't want to relive
The day where I learned it's better to forgive

Ignorance is the easy way out
Of knowing and thinking of just about
Everything at once, once you've learned the truth
There's no turning back to your once golden youth

You've lost it for life, can't get it back
It's there 'til the end, it's not something you'll lack
It'll hinder and break you and not even care
It'll slow you and stop you to see how you fare

These things you keep inside that you'll never let out
Well, without even knowing it, you are letting them out
Whisper by whisper, mutter by mutter
Until someone compulses you to utter

The things you swore you'd never reveal
You've suddenly explained because of effort and zeal
You see the shock and incoherency show
You know that your thoughts are more accurate, now you know

Ignorant is the easiest thing you can be
All you know is one-sided, but eventually you'll see
What life kept from you and later reminisce
About what you knew before, ignorance is bliss
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah... there's not really a chorus in here... Sometimes, songs need no choruses.