Shouldn't Do This

[btw this was written in june.]

I shouldn't think about you the way I do
Because your no longer mine
But when I see her with you
I do get jealous
Because you were mine for so long
And then you hurt me
On four twenty
Was the day we ended.
But thats not the last time I kissed you
The last time was that night I ran away

Sometimes I miss how you made me laugh
And that night we played tag in the park
And walked alone together in the dark
I'll never forget the times we shared

I'm still your friend
No matter what till the end.
If you hate me thats okay
I don't care what you say

I don't love you like I used to
But I do still think about you.
And now that the days past
And times faded out
Roll the credits
I have a sequel
And its better then the first

I love him
And he loves me
And you had your chance and lost it
So when she hurts you i'll help you deal with it
But you can't have me back
Thats what you get for what you did
You are welcome to regret the fact
You lost the most wonderful person you could of had