It's the Tree that Bends that has the Strongest Roots

I only read my horoscope when I need hope for tomorrow,
And you always read poetry to clear up your view of the world.
[This must be why your eyes are so clear and dark]

I only wish on 11:11 because people say it's good luck,
And you only wish on airplanes because you know sooner or later it was going to crash.
[I would like to think that's why you never wished about me, but I've always had bad luck]

I only look at the lyrics for the string holding them together,
And you only listen to how they fit with the music for the meaning.
[You always said that tone was important, so how do I sound now?]

When I sit down, it's because my feet hurt,
When you sit down, it's because your heart is too heavy for the rest of you to hold up.
[I tried to help, but lately my feet have been throbbing, and I couldn't stay in step.]

I look at the mirror, and I try to see smudges in my makeup, and scratches in my glasses,
And you look in the mirror, and try to see cracks in your smile, and find yourself behind fake laugh lines.
[If you tried paying closer attention to the worry lines, you might figure out why the laugh lines are fake.]

When I trip, I'm afraid, I'm going to fall and get bloody palms,
But when you trip, I'm worried you're going to fall in on yourself.
So maybe, ever now and then, you could let me catch you.
And show you horoscopes, and how to fix smudges in eyeliner.
Maybe you'll even learn to appreciate bloody palms, and shoes that make your feet hurt.
[And maybe you could show me a thing or two about poetry, and the aerodynamics of lost wishes]