For Jordan

For Jordan

It was April 14, 2009
A Tuesday
It was about 9:30 am
But you never came
School continued on
No one thinking the worst
But it did
And no one knew until 2:30pm
You were running late for school
So your older brother was speeding
You tried to be there in time
One more tardy and it was a detention for you
But the road…
It was wet
And that stupid power line was too close to the road
The car wrapped around the pole
On the passenger side
Your side
You died on the spot
Your entire body, crushed
The entire school, devastated
For we lost the brightest teens there
And your bright, yellow pants
That everyone wanted
Jordan, you will be missed
Even by those who never knew you

April 16, 2009
For Jordan J. McGuire
One of the best friends anyone could ever have.