I'll Carry My Thoughts Across The Skies

Unsent letters lay on my bedside table
Mocking me
Of All my thoughts I have ever had
About you
And all the time I spent thinking of
I pick them up
And throw them away

Trying hopelessly
To forget my memories of you
And all I thought we had
If I could send my love in a letter
And sent it to you over night
I wish I could see your face
As you opened it
And the warmth enveloped you
So I could see
How much you regreted your last words to me

"Let's just be friends for now"
Your words echo through my head
Like a radio I just can't shut off
And a song I just can't get out of my head

I cry at night, and clutch my pillow
As I see your face
Weave in and out of my dreams
And my
When the light hits my room
And spreads it's rays across my face
Maybe I'll shake the sadness out of my hair
And wipe the tears from my eyes
Maybe I'll laugh
Or maybe I'll cry some more
Maybe I'll talk to you
Maybe I wont
But one thing is for sure
You're just another hurdle in my life
One that I need to get over

And as soon as I do
You'll be nothing
Only the dizziest daydream
Or the darkest part in a nightmare
But one thing is for sure

When I meet later that day
With my friends
I'll laugh, at how stupid I was
And how,
Once again
I fell for Mr. Wrong.