just a thought

what is the meaning of life

why are we here

is there a higher power

if so are we but a joke

put here for it's amusment

why do good people die

while the skum of the earth

live happy and healthy

making mokery of those they hurt

whats the point of caring

whats the point of love

of trying, of life in general

so much is wrong

with no way of fixing it

whats the point of choice

when everything we chose is wrong

well i dont know about you

but im sick, sick of trying

trying to be what other people want me to be

so from now on im done

no more trying to impress them

everything i do is for me

its my life ill fuck it up the way i see fit

all your rules, your logic, your higher powers

im done with that

mabey that is the meaning of life

just to learn to live for yourself

just a thought