I’ve called you all the names
I’m in the process of killing you with my words
But still
None of it is what you deserve.
You deserve to be lied to
You deserve to be criticized.
You deserve a taste of your own medicine.

All I’ve ever done is politely pretend
For you.
I’ve told you that the things you write were ingenious
I haven’t told you that you’re a hypocrite.
I’ve told you the things you’ve done are amazing.

But constantly,
You’ve told me that “TBQMFH” this sucks
Or you’re already over that
Or this isn’t cool anymore
Or you’re “too busy” for this anymore.

But what’s this?
Didn’t you used to “fucking love” this yesterday?
And obsess constantly over that a few minutes ago?
And wasn’t this the shit to you last week?
Didn’t you always used to make time for this?

Don’t expect me to pine after you
Like I’m some sick cronie
Don’t bring me down to that level
I am above that
And I am above you

And yet you get to me.
I don’t know why
But you get to me.
Because you think you’re better than me
And “TBQMFH”…. You probably are.