Who I Am

Yeah, I may be skinny,
But no, I'm not that pretty.
I like to sit and read books,
When it comes to athletics I'm not that hooked.
My type of music you may not understand,
Cause yeah, I'm one of those fans.
I can quote lines from just about anywhere,
Down is how I wear my hair.
My clothes are from Hot Topic,
Cause yeah, that's wear I shop at.
I am not always coordinated,
And sometimes for this I am hated.
Gym is not a big deal,
If the team loses, you'll heal.
I am not a nerd,
Just smarter than most,
But with my grades,
I do not boast.
I get easily upset,
Sometimes I turn into such a big wreck.
I spend a lot of time playing video games,
Whether I'm winning or losing,
I sit and play.
And others can act all perfect,
With parties and all.
Fancy gowns for fancy balls.
Clothing that costs more than I can count,
These are the ones that put me down.
But they don't have to explain to me who I am,
Because I think I just figured it out.