We Are One

I am your mind so listen
"Two" is the name of your flaw
Corrupting from the inside out
No hope for a peaceful future
Death and viruses plague your path
You are different from everyone else
You are my better half
While i am just your other half, the darker side of the attic
Beware, I'm always here
Always watching
Always listening
There is no hiding from me, your damned half
Keep in mind, all that you suffer will reach me
Stay safe
I can't very well take what belongs to me while being crippled and weak
That's you, not me
Hush, hush, little girl
Don't be afraid
Just look in that mirror by you bed
See her?
She is you...
And she is me
I survive as you survive
I breath as you breath
We share the same insides, guts and all
What hurts you, hurts me
So stay in the corner, shut up, and maybe we can go on as sisters
We are, after all, two different people
Breathe in the damp air and i shall do the same
I can't take over our body just yet
But there's still time for that
Be afraid of my temper,
I mean, our temper
I will dominate eventually
For now, you are my puppet
An innocent puppet I would normally destroy without any mercy
Still...we are one
For now.