Lips of Acid

Your lips hit mine
I hold my own for a while
You become more agressive
It hurts
You don't stop
I ask quietly before you slam your lips down on mine again
I whimper
You slap me in reply
"I love you." you whisper
Your hands undo my buttons
I struggle, twist away
I run to the door
You beat me there
A punch to my head and blackness consumes me
I wake, covered in blood
You're licking my neck
I squirm and shake
"No, no, don't fight it. You love me too, right?"
Stay quiet, I think.
No, wrong
His hand comes down and pain seeps into my skull
It hurts
Nod quickly, nod quickly
Stop the pain.
My lips shake
"That's right, baby, forget this."
My mind will remember
My heart will remember
This hurt
I won't forget it.
Neither will my father's shotgun.