Possessed: That Exorcism

It hurts, the feel of your lips on my skin
I shake and cry and yell
But they all just watch
I can't see their faces or blank stares
Even my parents.
It's only his face
That stands out of the sea of hate
"Hush, darling, hush." He whispers in my ear.
"Just think, God will love you now."
These words sound all wrong
They kick me in the gut
Sobbing makes it worse
He strikes me across the face
Shriek, yell, and scream
It doesn't help
I'm stripped of my dignity, hope, and sanity.
Those people watching
Ran like headless chickens
"Call the priest!" they shouted
He came
He doesn't rid me of my demons, though
He puts them inside of me
My parents watch my "exorcism"
They don't think it's wrong
God is saving me, i guess
He slides out of me
I whimper again and again
"She's saved, for now." He says to them, those silent onlookers
"Come back tomorrow, maybe the scum of Hell will leave her then."
The thing is, i doubt they'll ever leave.