Lonely String

A puppet on a lonely string
manipulated by so many
it hangs lonely in the dark
forgotten and abandoned

its soft smile has faded
only a blank expression remains
and how it wishes it were free
or at least...tugged by its thread
but it isnt, not anymore
it sits in the cold and waits
an answer to yet arrive

His garnment once bright
now a sicklish hue
and how it longs for light
or at least to meet the flames

Overused, playtime is over
the fun of being controlled gone

Now it only sits
the wood withering away
its past only a dream
a drop of wishful hope

It no longer moves
it became dependant
on other's constant control
Now it cannot live
without someone as guide

Unable to think for himself
his fate is cruely sealed
destined to hang by those strings
In vain he waits for command
...One that may never arrive