
you learn something
long a lesson it may be
and it hurts to crash
it hurts to fall
yet you want it again

you see whether you know it or not
part of you still pulls to the stove
even when youve been burned
part of you liked the thrill
part of you liked the pain
the "lesson" you learned

The longer you pull away
the more your hand draws closer
its like your mind has its own mind
a control out of your control
are you crazy?
have you gone insane?
most would say so
most would call you stupid
to hit your head against the same brick wall

I say its fine
I say burn again if you must
cause you'll never know the full extent
if youve only got one scar to show
to most one's enough
to me sometimes you gotta go further
gotta etch it on your flesh
in your heart
so you'll truly never forget
so you learn the lesson well learned

Because if you're burned once
who says you wont get burned again?
So reach out to that stove
touch it.. i dare you..
because every lesson well learned
takes more than one practice round..