"I love you."

I want to remember the times I had together with you.
I want to remember how you held me tight and said 'I'll never let go'.
I want to remember and I hope you do, too.
I can't forget, the times we spent together.
Happiness, protection, love.
The things I want so much.
The memories I want so bad to replace with new ones.
The sound of your voice makes me want to scream,
Is this all some dream?
It's hard to believe this is real,
Is this truly how you feel?
Do you still love me,
If you don't then set me free.
From the torture I'd go through,
Just to be with you.
I never want to leave your side,
If I did, I would have died.
Your laugh was music to my ears,
Your smile so sweet,
Saying goodbye would only bring tears.
So don't, don't leave,
It'd be to hard to grieve.
I love you more then life itself,
More then any kind of wealth.
I want us to be together, 'till death do us part,
A new ending, for a new start.
Now, place this ring onto my finger with the words I do,
Then kiss me and tell me, "I love you."