My Father

My Father is special.
He may work a lot and play on the computer a lot, but he is still my Father.
He loves me, i know though he doesn't always say the words.
He does show his love towards me and my brother and my sister in his own way.

My Father is awesome.
He is cool when my friends are around.
He and I are a lot alike.
We have a lot in common as well.

I always call my Father "Dad" or "Daddy."
I say it because i know he likes it when I use the mane i called him when i was younger.
In the morning, during the school year, before my Father leaves, I'm happy because i always hear his voice in the morning.
I always hear him say, "Hali its time to get up."
Than after a wile he comes back and says, "i got to go. Love you see you after school."
And I always reply with a "Ok, bye Daddy love ya see ya later."

My Father is a Pyro and so ain't I.
i have my dads attitude and I write somethings the same way as he does.
We pretty much have the same seance of humor.
My Father may like the Buffalo Bills and I may like the Denver Broncos but we still are the same.
Me and My Father are both the middle child in our family.

My Father is one of the few people I cant live with out.
If anything happened to my Father I'd go crazy.
I love my father so much.
Every day I go over to him, give him a big hug and tell him i love him.