Stupidly misunderstood

Superior in some subtle way,
The eyes of a recluse, darkened but alive,
To keep your head above the lies,
The deceit which built our society
All the corruption in those who are deemed to serve,
Not noticed by the untrained mind,
Those who turn a blind eye,
Let them wallow in stupidity,
Try not drown within the lies,
Within a life to mistrust and depise,
Let them drown,
And let them live in a world entirely their own,
In their foolish fantasies
It cannot be me alone who hate uncultered, uncivilised minds?
Not to those to poor to learn, or even to eat,
But I hate those lazy things not bothered to learn
But to be called intelligent, or improved
Another lie to join the others,
Why can't I escape?
There must be another like myself....
Alive and screaming for release,
With birds pecking my fragile soul,
Stripping away my intelligence
Save me before I become a zombie,
A slave to television, I am still a slave to books
They are kinder masters,
Tears roll down my cheeks,
What will I become?