A Howl Intp The Night

The howls into the night.......
They Leave an eerie sound like no other ever heard..
Their own special language that has been around for generations...a language only known between them and Mother Nature.
They walk thought the night with one thing on their mind....Paradise
Prowling like a cat...Dead leaves crushing under their paws....
The moonlight shining down on their beautiful fur as it seems to dance as they walk...
Their eyes of fire...filled with determination..love..lust ..lost ...hope..
A White wolf with golden yellow eyes named Kiba led the way of three others..All searching for the same thing....Paradise
The White Wolf approaches a cliff as he looks below he sees.....A beautiful lake over lapped by an age olf oak tree.....
As he looked around he looked back at the others...Tsume scanned the area with his nose smelling for any kind of danger, but all he could smell was peace..
Toeboe watched as the water danced and glicened in the moonlight.....Hige looked over across the lake where a doe and her fawn drank from the cool, brisk stream..
They all examined the forest, and they all had the same word running through thier minds...Paradise
Then Kiba raised his strong neck and pointed his nose towards the sky and let a long howl into a forest that was once rid of wolves...
Then the others joined in and filled the night with their beautiful song
The wolves were back and they had found "Paradise"
They knew now that they would never have to disguise their true pride as humans.
Now they were free forever more...
They all lifted their heads and....
They Howled Into The Night