The Way It Was Before

You act like a child but you want to be respected as an adult.

I think something is wrong with you.

They say you have a lot of good things about you, I see none.

I don’t see why they all love you.

I don’t think I could hate you anymore then I already do.

You’re so loud I think my ears might be bleeding.

You’re selfish and a crybaby.

I really want to slap you.

Why do they think you are so perfect?

All I see is a lump of wasted flesh.

I don’t want you anywhere near me but you’re always around.

It wouldn’t matter if I said anything because they don’t care.

I don’t think you’re cute or funny.

You had to come and ruin everything I worked so hard to make.

Nothing can go back to the way it was before. You made sure of that.