yet another blank verse

Hey hun, are you gonna eat that slice of
pizza? If not, then can I have it please?
The munchies are getting to me and I
really need to pee. We stay out all night
and sleep till four. I ate the whole bag by
myself, but I am skinnier than I ever was
before. Richard Simians has nothing on
Mary Jane. She helps drops the pounds with a
glamour glitter cannot bring. It's a night
life thing. We sing as we are receding
away, not realizing we're loosing
life and the words are wrong. "And a little
bit of chicken fry!" we think we cry, but
we're just howling out sounds that only a
dog would understand. We're being followed
by The Man. They got their lights on and they're
really blue. So I took a sharp right turn,
because you wanted to try to grab them
off their hood. The tires squeal before we
hit that stop sign, and at a hundred and
five it's like a semi vs. a fly.
The metal is pliable and it bends
like an accordion around the pole.
Our names are carved into the crosses there,
our statement for the youth, forevermore.