I'm Going To Miss You the Way an Addict Misses Their Pills

Let's get back to where we began,

So You don't have to know
i'm only a lush in black and white pictures
[because color only shows the rings around my eyes]
And that i've figured out that i can't figure myself out
[this way, we won't waste afternoons trying]

Plus, i'll know things like

You're a lake effect kid
[no matter what you say, it always ripples to everyone around you]
And You glow in the the dark
[but only if i squint hard enough with tears in my eyes]

And You'd never have to know i'm a waste of time
[i would simply fall apart if You ever figured that out]
And You'd never have to know that "i love You in the same way there's a chapel in a hospital"
[but only because You keep refilling my prescription]

Let's get back to a time where You didn't know that i don't have a way with words,
And i know You have enough words to give to the whole world.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's about how much I'm going to miss Fall Out Boy if they break up. Because they might. ]: