Old Friends

Sometimes I miss my old friends.
The friends I had before,
Who loved doing crazy things...

Scribbling make-up on each other's faces,
Drinking large amounts of soda,
Taking pictures,
Staying up late at sleep overs,
Going to cemetaries and dancing over tombstones,
Playing truth or dare over webcam on MSN,
And just plain old acting crazy.

I want to laugh at the memories.
And then I want to cry,
Because I was stupid,
And decided to let it all go.

It's like waking up after a dream.
You want to go back.
Revist that place you loved.

Well now the dream has changed.
It's not wild, crazy, or very exciting.
But you're content,
And after a while,
You get swallowed up in the fog,
And are enveloped forever in a calm atmosphere.

Sometimes I miss the old friends I used to love.