
Your never seen,
After death takes your life, now and forever
It’s so heartless and mean
Why is death so clever?

It takes you in,
Never to get out
It's not a game to loose nor win.
It's smart beyond no doubt.

Your left alone
In the dark and cold
You wear away till your nothing but bone.
Hoping you'll live on in others, hoping your life story is being told.

Death takes you away,
From the people you love most,
It makes everything so wrong and not okay,
It makes you into nothing but a memory or ghost.

It makes some reason for you life to end,
Your sick, your old, your in pain
It leaves you helpless, you can’t defend.
It takes you life, it’s so insane.

Some people are so cruel,
To end a life early and kill,
They go against the laws and rule,
They take your life without your consent or will.

Your lost forever, only memories left behind,
Death takes you away when it think it’s your time to go,
It has no mind,
So how should it know?

What happens after you go,
What happens when you pass away,
Do you go to heaven or h*ll, Or is your spirit on earth to stay,
Are you nothing anymore, nobody will ever know.