You Don't Know Me

Look into my eyes
Can you see what I see
Can you see all the hurt
And all the hidden lies?

Look into my heart
Do you see how torn it is
Broken into pieces
And all ripped apart?

Look into my soul.
See the way I am.
See the way I feel
See how I am such a fool?

Who are you to tell me who I am.
You don't even know me.
I am my own person.
Honestly to you and your opinions, I don't give a damn.

Who are you to tell me what to do?
I don't know what you want from me,
What you need from me,
I don't even know you.

Who are you to tell me how to live.
I live my own life the way I want.
No regrets and lessons learned,
Not better to take then give.

Freedom is what I live for,
I am my own person,
But who is that you ask?
Not even I am sure.