I'll Always Be There

I’ll always be there
When you want someone by your side
When you’re out in the cold
And need a warm hug
When you’re looking for a shoulder to cry on
Or a helping hand
I’ll always be there.

I’ll always be there
When your heart is broken
When life turns its back on you
And fate laughs in your face
When you feel all alone,
Lost, and confused
I’ll always be there.

I’ll always be there
When you shout out my name
When you call me on the darkest nights
When you sneak out of class
And ask me to come
When you sign onto MSN Messenger
I’ll always be there.

I’ll always be there
Even when our friendship ends
Even when we never talk
For 20 years
Even when I’m dead and gone
I’ll always be there
I’ll always be there for you.