Mental breakdown number four.

Here's a little thing of things to read,
I think it’s pathetic the way you always blame someone else,
You’re so wrapped up in yourself,
I've told you a million times,
I hold everything in because I don't like the person that I have become.

All the things you say; complain about,
They are usually the silliest things I have heard all day,
Keeping the past in the past,
And the present right now,
You totally blow things out of proportion,
I seriously just can't stand to be near you.

I hear you shout my name; laughing in my face,
Sometimes I wish I could just start again,
I can't stand the lies,
I don't understand why you are all like this,
Is it me; but why can I see you never changing?
You’re frozen in time as a 10 year old brat.

As time fly’s by; you rarely ever notice,
I see how you’re making it worse,
Watching over this life in the third person,
Makes things more interesting at best,
I hope you wish life is a big regret,
I stopped you from falling; but I'm falling myself.

I have to say; I think I hate you,
I've got to say; I really hate you,
I've looked at my secrets,
It makes me want to keep them,
You say you know me,
Oh, how wrong you are.

I think you should stay away from me,
It’s ever so easy; don't you agree?
Running away never does anything good,
I remember the time when we were innocent,
Now you're all lying, devious, two faced bitch and I think you suck.
For once, I believe I am running out of things to say.