Don't Tell Me What To Do

Why do you tell me what to do?
It's not like I'll listen
Especially not to you.

Why do you boss me around?
Like that will help.
My new courage is all that was found.

I laugh at the rules you give,
And your sad excuse to make me listen,
I have my own life and my own way to live.

I am not some child.
I am a human,
And not crazy or wild.

I have a mind of my own,
That I am capable to use.
That's why it's best you just leave me alone.

I'm very smart,
Not dumb like you think,
That's why giving me respect is only just a start.

I should make my own ways,
My own rules to live by,
And I shouldn't care what anyone says.

Why was I put on this earth?
I know it's not to be your little slave,
I know that's not what my life is worth.

Why was I born to these people, who try to run my life for me?
I know that I can make myself into a good person.
That's why my attitude is all they get to see.

This is my body, my mind.
This is all mine.
I am no slave so ask me what to do and obedieness is not what you'll find.

I don't care if you gave me my life and very breath, the beating of my heart.
I don't care who you are.
Leave me alone, let us be apart.

I can live on my own, that's what I will eventually do,
So just let me live the way I want,
Or I'll do it anyways, who cares about you!