Me and You #2

When I saw you for the first time,
You were holding her hadn,
So I thought you
Had a girl of your own.

It hurt,
When I fell for you,
Because I knew you'd
Nwver be mine.

You might not be
My boyfriend,
But you are a real
Close friend of mine.

i get to thinking of us,
Strolling down the street,
Oh how I enjoyed,
Being with you.

The last time I saw you,
Seems like ages ago,
But to others it's only days.

The last time I talked to you
Was when you said "See yah."
And walked away.

Now all these images of you and me,
Go through my mind.
You dsinging along to
Your music, while
I listen careefully.

When our knees
Brushed against
Each others at the
Park benck,
It made me smile.

Someties I wonder
If you'll ever know
How I feel?

I think I should stop hiding
These feelings that are
Deep inside my heart,
And let them out.

This love is true,
So true,
That it's hard to explain.

My friends tell me,
"Just tell him,
And get it over with."

My fear
About all this is,
Getting rejected.
I feel that
The rejection,
Will hurt more
Than when I
Fell for you.

The last time I
Let out my feelings,
Was in a song.
I gave it to the person I
Thought was the right one.

All he did was make fun
Of me ans my song.
Every time I saw him,
He would point and
Laugh at me.

I know your different
And not the same as him,
Because just yesterday,
You wrote "I'm always
here for you," without
Even knowing that
Those words ment
A lot to me