the end of forever

today the world ends
so have fun watching us implode
while you watch us
with feigned surprise
swimming in a pool
of your blood and guts
while the flesh from your bones
fades to green and rots away
you'll remember your former friends
with all the times you shared
while you couldn't care
you were waiting to suck their souls
so here's your chance
while their bodies are scattered
to reap the spirits
before they turn to dust
just like yours
before this fiasco began
when you chose to look straight ahead
and never invest in love again
so say goodbye to what you loved
because this place is going to hell
and all of what you once knew
is not going to be again
or will it?
you'll live long enough
inside your self inflected misery
to see the world start over
all while you look from a far
waiting for this to end
to get the green light to go
and leave this world behind
but you'll be stuck here
till the end of forever
watching from the other side of the room
hoping that someone will see you
and save you
because you know that you're not real
not anymore
and they'll look right through you
because you've lived long enough
to melt into the walls
so why not give up the ghost?
you can't do anything now
because you're trapped in between
living and pure death
while life continues around you
you fester and continue to bleed
inside your house with no mirrors
for the world you lost so long ago
filled with memories
of old friends
and old flames
that died when you chose
to wait till the end of forever