Btw. All guys are assholes

So my story goes like this, I fall in love, fucking asshole boyfriend is too lazy to try and work it out during the summer, so I find someone else, but like every other douche out there they start out great, and he was totally out of my element, so I figured, “Maybe he won’t be so exhausting” eh, he’s no different, like every other guy he lied through his teeth, saying all the right things, to give me the false hope I oh-so-believed I had learned to not trust. Oh, but like every other semi-sane girl out there I want to so desperately to be loved. Maybe it’s because I had never had that caring, loving father, that I don’t have that sixth sense to know when a total jackass takes a step into my alley. Thinking I had the uppercut this time I stand silently in the corner concealing my fangs ready to strike and have them at a pool beneath my feet. But oh, the irony, it is I who’s melting beneath them. There was once a very wise woman who said, “Penis is a strong thing.” I laughed with her, sadly, she’s right, it is, virgin or not. Funny thing is, I’ve had so many people remark to me how I’m so “pretty” but isn’t it funny that it’s the average Jane who knows how to hook a man for good? Ah, the irony in this world. Of course there’s always another fish in the sea, and I look eagerly at those prospects; but as each fish escapes my talons, the more dangerous I want to be. For once I want to be the one that breaks hearts. Can’t the opportunity swing my way? I want to be that hard-core girl, you know the one who honestly doesn’t give a fuck about guys. Don’t get me wrong I’m not clingy, I hate being the chaser, but I want to flutter through life. I want to have a boy that’s like a cute trendy accessory, only good for one use, and then quickly discarded. After all wouldn’t it be more fun that way?