

I work so hard
Or at least I try.
I stay up on night’s end trying to do better
But yet, all I get is this hatred from everybody.

They tell me one thing
Then they do another
Hypocrites they are
That hates me so

I burst with tears
As soon as the door slams
In hysterics over the things they’ve said.

Tell me I’m mean
Tell me they don’t love me
Hate me like the world’s never going to end.

When is it all going to be over?
When will I just stop caring?
Stop hurting over the things they’ve said?
When will I have had enough?

When will I burst and not be able to control myself
From the things I will be saying?
How come the hate me so?

How come I still care?
Haven’t I heard this all before?
Millions of times before

Yes I have
But that doesn’t mean I don’t stop caring
Stop caring that I’m hated so
By the ones I love
The ones I called my rocks
That would hold me up through no end

That’s all changed
Because now
All I have is
This hatred

I’m hated
By all the ones I love
I’m hated