Love Sucks

Love sucks

I heard you
I saw you
No secrets are kept from me

No day can go by
Without me
Hearing what you did with her
Or seeing you touch her
Moving farther and farther away from me

Love sucks
Boys lie
Your life’s hell
Then you die

You told me you loved me
You said you’d never leave me
You said what we had was true
Nothing you’ve ever felt before

Lies, lies, lies!
That’s all you told me, just lies
That’s all you were, just a lie!

It’s funny
How you can hurt me so much
But I
Still love you with all my heart.

Life is not measured by how many breaths we take
But by how many times our breath is taken away.
You took mine away so many times
I guess that means I’ve had a long life
That’s good.
Because you’ve ruined my life for me

Love sucks
Sometimes it feels good
Sometimes it’s just another way to make you bleed.
You’ve made me bleed a river of blood for you
And the worst part is
I can’t even hate you for it!

I’m bleeding
And in tons of pain because of you!
So how do you feel now?
Now, that you know I’m dying over you?
That’s what I thought
You don’t care.

I’m dying
So go throw yourself a party
Or, better yet,
Go have your new girlfriend suck your dick!

After all the pain you’ve caused me,
I still wonder.
Why is it?
I’m still crying over you every single damn night of my life?
Still think about you every second,
Whether I’m awake or dreaming?
Jerk up as soon as I hear you name or voice?
Look for you every where I go?
And still love you,
No matter how much you make me
Bleed, cry, hurt, scream, and tear apart?
And just want to leave?
But, I’ve learned, you can’t run away from the pain.

I blame you for all
You cynical person!
You’re a murderer because you’re killing me!
So I have one question,
How is it I still love you?

You want to know why I hurt so much?
That’s why I hurt so much.
I was the one who was there
Through all your hard times
When nobody else was there
No matter what!

You pissed me off so much,
But I was still there
You hurt me like no pain I’ve felt before,
But I was still there.
You lied to me till no end,
But I was still there.
You made me cry myself to sleep 9 times out of 10,
But I was still there!
When you wanted to end your own life,
Who did you call?
Who talked you out of it?
Who helped you
No matter how much it hurt them in the process?
That’s right.
You guessed it.

That’s why I’m so hurt.
I was always there for you
But you were never there for me.
We are all fools in love, I guess.
Which tells me it wasn’t love for you
Just a fling

So, I’ve decided.
Don’t fall in love
Fall off a bridge
It hurts less
And I might be able to make it out with my heart!