My Mother

My Mother
This is dedicated to my darling mother; you’ll never know how much you mean to me.

My mother
Such a wonderful soul
So pure and kind
It boggles the mind

To know someone so right
Maybe even angel like
Not only do I know her
She’s even my mother!

I am so lucky
Even though we sometimes
Bicker and fight
And have differences of the mind
I am so blessed
To have her as my mother

I couldn’t ask for a better mother
She’s there when you need her
And talks to you through the hard times
I can’t even imagine
Anyone better

Her hugs
Oh such a wonderful thing
They’re like sugar
So sweet
And soft
I long for them
Even when I’m not awake

The heart of my mother
Is a deep abyss
At the bottom of which
You will always find forgiveness
I know
No matter what I do
My mother will be there
Will love me for eternity
And forgives me always

Some days
I sit and wonder
“Why has God blessed me so?”
He has given me everything
For him to give me a mother so cherishing
And kind, that loves her children
Till no end
I have no clue
Why God has picked on me
To be blessed so much
That I have a mother
That I shall never be as great as she

My mother
Scolds when needed
Loves everyday
Blesses everyone
She just so happens to encounter
She opens her arms and heart wide
For anyone that needs them
But most of all for her children
I can cry
In the tenderness
Of her loving arms
And be comforted
By her much too loving

My mother
Has taught me
The etiquettes of life
The ups and downs
Everyone has
And how to behave
When you’re put in a spot
That is much too difficult for thee

All that I am
Or ever hope to be
I owe
To my angel mother

To know someone
That is strong
Able and willing
Educated but still learning
Caring and loving
With the looks of a model
You could only be so fortunate
To even know someone as that
But to have her as a mother……
You would have to be truly blessed

My mother’s love
Is the love that enables
A normal person like me
To do the impossible

My mother is a poem
I’ll never be able to write,
Though every poem I write
Is a poem to my mother.