My Demons

My Demons

I fear for my life
As my demons come to claim
Me, is what they want

They’ve come to claim me
Because I have misdeed
With everything

I try to say
How sorry I am
Saying how I will change
Never fault again

I try telling the world
That it wasn’t me
I’ve been prosecuted
For things I haven’t committed

I tell everybody
The same old thing
They don’t believe me
Say they won’t take another lie from me

They don’t believe me
Even when I don’t lie
They choose to go against
Whatever I may say

That’s why the demons
Have come to get me

I finally pour my heart out
To the creatures in front of me

I start to cry
And fall to my knees
As all the truth pours out of me

As my fear increases
The demons
They finally see
I’ve told the truth
And the knowledge of death
Actually relieves me

To know you’ll die
Exactly when
How and where
Can sometimes ease the mind

But my death evades me
For a little while longer
As the demons turn and walk away

I shall not sin any more
Nor lie or misdeed
But be pure and good
As the demons leave

Fear, such a powerful thing
I fall to the ground
With relief that washes over me
Tense and under pressure I was

Truth, is what we need
To lie and live a life of regret
Is to live a life to the emptiest

My demons leave, and I’m okay.
At least for now, I think.