Two Faced

Two face twats
everybody knows
but nobody says a word
don't stare, their walking towards us
what are they going to say to us?
what are they going to say to others?
Liars. Fakes. Posers.
Ugly two faced twats.

Words twisted in tales of lies and gossip
only for their evil pleasure
to torment others
befriend somebody

Learn their scars
Learn their family
Learn about the things they love and hate
twist the words into fairy tales
to pleasure the two faced twats

To the victim's that were tormented by these evil creatures
Don't worry
Ignore it
The two faced twats shall
come to there downfall very very soon
Have you heard about the one that has a disease?
Is it really just a simple irritation on the skin
or a STD?
Yes yes smile now. I told you their down falls shall come soon...

© 2009 Shelby Baker