I'll Show You Angst.

So... I wrote this poem basically to spite the adults who don't respect teenagers and say that all they are is a bag of moods, drama, and sex.
And because teenagers really are some effed up people when you stop to think about it.

I'm a very, very upset cup.
turned over
on the floor
drips of my sensitivity fall like pellets from a gun
scoring the floor;
the hide of weakness.

What a mess I've made!
All spilt milk and no cookies
ripples on the chalky surface
flowing outward;
I'm trying to find a new boundry
but I'm also testing my own.

Spreading to your clean socks-
now soaked to the ankle.
You'd think your 2-ply could save me-
or at the very least your-
but it can't.

Hey, I could've been glass
At least I'm only plastic
only a hollow cup hitting the floor
rolling away
hiding from you
too embarassed to show my face
because of the mess I've made...
Ahh such drama!

You're probably going to need a wet rag
or else I'll go sour...
and possibly start to smell.
But you can't blame me
You're the one who knocke me off the table-
you careless oaf!
I'm just one very upset cup of spilt milk.
I'm only a teenager.