Just Forget

Living in the moment and having fun
Some people just think its stupid and just plain dumb
I'm so sick and tired of all the bullshit and nonsense
I feel like someday it's going to come back, the feeling is intense
Why do people consider it the land of the hate
Their opinion doesn't matter, they're just another crumb on the plate

Love means nothing anymore
It seems like it had just been mutilated and stomped on the floor
Intolerance seems to be the key factor
The looks on people makes it seem like it's all going backwards
Peace only lasted for a brief period of time
With all the world's resources it wouldn't be enough to get rid of the grime

All I hear is screams of pain and agony
The look in the eyes of sheer animosity
Blood soaked walls to keep the monster from coming out
Worst of all, there's not going to be enough
Nothing has a good or a bad ending
But the feel of just pretending

Soon you will hear the noises beating down your door
This kind of fear, you had never experienced before
Hope is always in high demand
It will never come, everything will just disband