Goodbye Baby

S he looked out into the countryside from the balcony,
A nd watched him ride away into the distance on his horse. The
R ain poured down and synchronised with the pattering of the hooves pounding onto the baked earth.
A gain, she wept
H er arms outstretched, holding her heart, which had been ripped out leaving tender shreds.

I t was too late. The arrow from his bow

L eaped up into the air and pierced right through her heart.
O n the floor she lay, clasping her broken heart, whilst her
V aliant knight disappeared into the darkness.
E very moment felt like a needle was piercing slowly and deeply into her skin as she

Y earned for her knight in shining armour who was holding her
O bituary in his hand.
U nder his cloak he glanced back, watching the blood trickling out of her heart, and whispered "Goodbye Baby".