
You were special
You were different from other dogs
Why was that?
Just because unlike the neighbor dogs you were a pedigree?
Because you had a pink nose?
Was it your eyes, the sort which I knew no other dog to have?
Was it the tricks you knew?
The way you could balance a treat on your nose and wouldn't eat it until you were told to?
The way you could gently take a treat from our mouths?
Was it the little things you knew?
That 'scooch over' meant for you to move just a little bit?
That 'move over' meant you were taking up too much of the bed and you had to move more?
Was it how bad you were as a puppy?
Was it all the shoes you bit up and destroyed?
Was it all the times you took out the trash and tried to eat whatever was there?
What about the other things you knew, was it those?
The way you knew words in both Spanish and English?
The way you would turn your head if you were in the room while me or my sister were changing?
Was it how you knew just when to ask to climb on the bed and let us pet you because we were sad?
Was it that you gave my sister a reason to show off, because she was the one that taught you so many tricks?
Was it that you were the reason I learned to play better with the other kids when I barely talked?
I know!
I know just why you were so special
It was because you were our dog
It was because you were a part of our family
But now you're gone
We've moved on, but that doesn't mean you're forgotten
No one here can think of you without being a little sad
I still get a knot in my throat when I think about you
I'm almost crying right now
It's to be expected
How can ten long years of good memories and having you as a near brother
Be gotten over in barely a year?
I cried when you passed on
For the first time in almost seven years
I cried like a baby in public
I blame you
Because you were such a stupidly amazing dog
And now you're just gone
Look I'm crying now
It's all your fault too
Why were you such a great dog that makes me cry so easily like this?