
Sometimes life is just a cruel thing
It doesn’t always know right from wrong
And often acts like a little child
Just waiting for the ice cream cone from mom

At times it’s holding a gun up to your head
Forcing you to die or even give in
It wants to live alone
Float around in space with no restraints

I don’t know why life hates to be seen
Or why life just wants to play around
Life never knows the right course to take
But when it wants to win, it wins

We can’t do anything about the diseases that spread
Or the illnesses that kill because
That’s just the way life wants to behave
It’s the way it was raised like you or me

People know what’s right or wrong
But when has life ever learned those meaningful lessons?
Teachers teach us values of our lives
Does god teach life how to act and survive?

It’s not fair for one pair to live happily
And another to live and prosper for a hundred years
So why when we take life into our own hands it fights back
Wanting us to live miserably and in poverty?

Life wants to live like there’s no tomorrow
But when there’s no tomorrow how can life even survive?
Doesn’t it need a human, just like we need the air?
Doesn’t its pulse work with the humans it survives in?

I want one thing from life, and maybe even god
I want lives to all be fair for every breathing soul
All men are created equal aren’t they?
Why can’t life take a back seat and figure that out?