The Key to Your Heart

I know the door to your heart.

The door to your heart.

Hard and yet smooth.

I know the key to your heart.

Warm and bright.

but i don't have the key to your heart.

So i knock.

I knock!

I knock as hard as I can!

As loud as I can!

As loud as my lungs can scream.

But it doesn't matter.

You don't care.

You've never cared.

You will never open the door.

You look out through the glass.

Your eye blinks.

For a second,

You remain frozen.

You see me.

And I see you.


You hesitate.

Should you open the door?

Maybe just this once?

You gently open the door.

Just a little bit.

I'm not there.

You open the door completely.

I'm not there.

All you see is an empty hall.

You were late.

Too late.