Singing and Song

I feel the Earth breath life into my bones
I feel the wind in my hair and the love in my heart
I hear the sweet vibration that lives inside my soul
I smell the rain and the drum beats inside every drop
I see the skies of brightness and the world I do not fear

For there will be happiness in me forever
'Cause the world will do me no wrong

And as the tear of your own life
Falls gently down your cheek
I will tell you the truth that i seek

There are two lives intersected

The singing and the song

Both are made of beauty

But they do not belong

You must find the happiness inside of you

The music is not a myth

The world is meant for beauty

And that is why we sing
That is why the world is made for song

Music and Lyrics
Singing and Song

Every breath inside you
Aching to belong

But we are all unique

As is every voice
As is ever song

So feel the words inside you
And see the truth, my dear

Feel the beat inside you
And never let go

Never let the hope, love, and happiness
Leave your heart

As I will never lose my laughter