spiraling out of control

I'm losing myself
I'm losing my faith
I'm spiraling out of control
The blade sings sweet relief
To me seductively
Regrets, I have a ton
Love, it seems I have none
I'm losing you
I'm losing me
I hate myself
For letting you go
I hate myself
But you'll never know
My eyes are fountains
Pouring pure sorrow
I'm closing the curtains
Ending the show
No need to drag on
A dying act
No need to live on
My heart is cracked
No one understands
How could they?
No one cares
Why would they?
I'm just another teen
Growing up in the bush generation
I'm just another punk
Who's face you won't see again.
But as I grab the blade
I hear you name
Your face was the light
At the ended of this dark tunnel
I drop my mistress
once more I fail
I get up once more
And walk away
And go on
For one more day