What is Sexy?

Vex me, baby

Tell me, what is sexy?

Boobs, lube

Plastic and toys

Girls dancing in skirts the size of belts

If you're not hot, you're not anything

In today's world

Chicks in the mags

In nothing but panties

They see your body as a sexual object

Not you

As a woman

With your talents, brains or ambition

It makes you feel insecure and vulnerable

They don't care

Now you're just a whore

If a man is

Captivated by you

The way you walk

The way you move

What are you?

If sexy is the way

Women today

Shimmy, shake,

That slutty, fake flirt

Then what do we call

Women who

Respect themselves as people

Not as

Some type of hooker

Who needs her fix


Vex me, baby

Now tell me, what you think of
