
My hands tremble as I take a few more pills
All sense of reason, is pain
And all sense of reaction, is fear
You could have just said I love you
You could have just given me a hug
You could have just said I am sorry
But you didn't
You handed me pills
In which I now swallow
One, by one, by one
Depression is not "crazy"
Depression has no switch
I can't tell you I am sorry for the tears that I cry
Because I am not crazy
This tear is for my pain
And this tear is for you mom
And this tear is for him
I loved him
And he left me
He could have just said I love you
He could have just given me a hug
He could have just said I am sorry
But he didn't
So I pour more pills down my throat
Two, by three, by four
My heart starts beating and the world shakes some more
But it feels good
Soon I get to the end of my bottle
One more anti-depressant
I swallow it
For me
And then
I die