"Why don't you like me?"

"Why don't you like me?" she asks.
His lies keep burning her flesh,ripping apart her heart
as he tells her he has a love.
Truth is,he's never had a true love.
He doesn't know what love is.Why?
Because he doesn't look underneath the braces.
He doesn't look underneath the freckles,the glasses,
the extra meat covering her bones,the hair that may look greasy,
although she washes it three times a day,
the jeans and sweater she'd worn everyday that week,
the crooked teeth that she can't afford to fix.
She has "disgusting" written all over her.
He won't give her one small chance.
He can't do it,not with his friends crowded around,laughing.
Hell,he's trying to hold back a laugh.
No.He won't.He'd never.
He turns his back,not answering her question,and runs
to where a petite young blonde is sitting.
"Why don't you like me?" he asks.