Painful Love - 3

And thus, I have to bid
My search for happiness has ended.
Forever to scar me is what it did
It has left me weak and threatened!

My heart is nothing but a lie;
It just pumps blood now.
Sooner or later I should die
I’m sure she wouldn’t be let down.

I stare at her wondrous beauty,
Although she is with another!
She has still caught me;
Oh how I wish we could be together.

My words may seem sad,
But no! They mustn’t be.
These creations of mine are not bad;
They just speak for me.

I am nothing but a silent hollow
With nothing left to my soul.
A follower with nothing to follow
Lost and confused to the very core.

So that is why I have those notes,
For I am a tuneless singer.
They’re my own, they’re what I wrote
All I have left to tell her.

I’m sorry I ramble
I’m sorry I complain.
I just love to babble
Hah, “love” – how can I be so vain?

I use the word that I fear
I yearn for this strong lie!
My time has ended here;
She has left happily, and so shall I.