Head Over Heal.

In the middle the beats stretch on for miles.
Holding fingers we find are bare and begging for touch.
Mingling on toes that tickle, and we remind ourslves that we are so cold.

On the inside we fall in love.
On the outside we tear ourselves apart.
Making each word sound surreal compared to our regular vocabulary.

We wander on for miles, taking less time to think than to act.
We regret nothing.
We let our tears lick the rain that washes over us.

Cleansing our souls with the holy sound of a noose strangling a hanging man.
We hate to gasp for breath yet this is the only way we can fill our lungs.
I am not alone unless I'm with you.

We climb to the top of hills where old ones fell.
And we take the plunge into thick pools of blood.
We crawl out encased in the reminders of failed love.

Each drop of blood is the oil inside our skin.
Love is water in which we bathe.
They bounce off each other, they won't stick.

This is how it is with you and me.
Holds nothing but the word entombing it.

But I grow stong.
Wings extend and my mouth opens up.
I scream, the pain ripping my bones apart.

These wounds will stitch themselves together.
In time the end of this heartache will come.
I will let go.