Without you

How can I feel without you?
All I can feel now...
is emptyness

How am I supposed to sleep without you?
I toss and I turn
I try and I try
but the dreams I once had
those sweet sweet dreams...no longer exist

How am I supposed to go on without you?
I can't write like I used to
I can't smile like I used to
I cant laugh like the real me
I can hardly convince myself its worth it

How am I supposed to love...when its not you?
No other man has touched me the way you have
I have trusted no one with my glass heart, as I have laid it in your hands
I can't bare the thought, of being in another man's arms
I can not trust another man, as I have trusted you

How am I supposed to accept your choice?
You said you loved me, you called me your life
I had so many hopes, of becoming your wife.
You said you were sorry, you hoped we were 'cool'
I should have known you would leave

How can I think without thinking of you?
You were my world, my heart, my love
Now I can no longer say the things I feel
And its driving me mad
my head is pouding but I can still hear your words:

"I'm sorry"
"I never meant to hurt you"
"I dont even wish to scratch your glass heart"
"I hope we can still be friends"
"I failed you"

Why...dont I believe your sorry?
If you didnt mean to hurt me....why did you?
this my darling...is so much more than a scratch
friends? I can not think of anything more than being in your arms...how can I be a friend?
No. It was I who failed you.